
Transport For Luke

Programming Languages used: Ruby, Javascript
Other Technologies used: nodejs, Service Workers
My Contribution: All of it
Timeframe: 2012 Onwards
A screenshot listing departure times of various trains at Barons Court Underground Station

Station Departure Boards

A web app, with offline capabilites, used for tracking various modes of transport, primarily in London.

The site displays a real-time departure board for each platform in a given station. Clicking on a given departure, then shows a view of that given train (or other vehicle) and its upcoming stops. This vehicle view’s design is roughly based on TFL’s line diagram standard. Both views can also be accompanied by live announcements.

A screenshot showing the upcoming stations for a Juiblee line train

Vehicle View

Originally the project was written with a ruby backend and utilised app-cache. Was rewritten gradually from 2015-17 to switch to nodejs and service worker. The real-time data has come from various APIs over the years, including TrackerNet and TFL’s unified API. This has been augmented by additional data I’ve collated myself, for example, station interchanges and Thames Clipper boat names and colours.

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